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Friday, June 17, 2011

Hyper Viral Pages – Viral Facebook

Here's What The Amazing NEW

Hyper ViraL Pages Software Can Do For You...

Generates massive amounts of highly-targeted FREE traffic for your pages!

Builds huge, super-valuable optin lists!

Generates nice and easy CPA commissions for life!

Increases the overall profits of your online business!

You can use it on unlimited number of your own sites.

Full Compatible with Facebook's iframe technology!

Generates super-powerful, hyper viral fanpages in just 10 minutes each!

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is this work on MAC?

Answer: Yes. It's an online software that you can access through your browser from any computer that has Internet access.

Question: Is this white hat?

Answer: Yes, it's totally white hat. We're only utilizing Facebook's own traffic-getting tools (compiled into a powerful system) so there is nothing blackhat or even grey (or any color ) hat techniques in this.

Question: How does your software compare to likebuzz?

Answer: Hyper Viral Pages was created for the new iframe technology and uses the most up-to-date tools and it's very easy to set up. LikeBuzz was created for the old Facebook platform and not so easy to set up.

Question: Can this be added to an existing fanpage?

Answer: Yes, of course. It can be added to an existing page

Product Page Click Me

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